Great Day for a Run!

Posted: July 12, 2013 in Workouts
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It’s a perfect day to go for a run! If you enjoy running you should definitely get the nike running app to keep track of your personal bests. I just downloaded it the other day and love it!

Today’s workout is to just go for a run, but genuinely challenge yourself, once you feel like stopping run for another minute! Push yourself, you can frickin’ do it!


The truth about how to uncover your abs. The only way to reach your body’s full potential is to eat right day in and day out. I hate to break it to your but there is no miracle pill out there that will do it for you. It’s all up to YOU and how bad YOU want it.

I didn’t say it would be easy, I said it’ll be worth it.

Monday Leg Day?

Posted: July 10, 2013 in Workouts
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Legs (3×10)

1. Smith Squat
Calf raises

2. Sled Machine
Leg Raises

3. BB Lunges
Wood chopper
Leg Curls

4. Bulgarian Squat (one-legged squat)
BW Lunges

I often get asked why I don’t work legs on Monday or Friday. That’s when most people work legs and if your into fitness I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “monday leg day.” Well, my answer is actually pretty simple, it’s because when I go into the gym on Mondays or Fridays almost everyone there is working legs so I can’t use the machines I need to have a successful leg workout. To avoid that frustration I simply train legs in the middle of the week on Wednesday when most people are working arms or chest. Hope that helps! Thanks for the support!

Chisel That Chest!

Posted: July 9, 2013 in Workouts
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Everything is 3×10

1. Smith Bench
Tricep KickBacks

2. Decline Bench
Reverse Grip Pull-Down

3. Incline Bench

4. Flat Bench
Tricep Push-ups

I used 135 lbs for every set and my chest was on fire the whole time!

Back/Bicep Workout

Posted: July 8, 2013 in Workouts
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Back/Bicep workout (3×10)
1. M-Row
Incline Curls

2. Lat Pull-Down
Wood chopper
Run 1/2 mile

3. DB Row
Concentration Curls
Plate Crunches

4. T-bar Row
Reverse Curls
Run 1/2 mile

remember to do each circuit 3 times.
I didn’t say it’ll be easy, I said it would be worth it.

mr_tfort17 is my personal Instagram.

Before you are going to bed or if you are feeling down I want you to save this and read it. Make this your background if you have to. I don’t care what you do but stay positive and make everyday better than the day before. Life is a great thing people, cherish it. Like, reblog, or share if this is something you agree with.

Healthy Alternative!

Posted: July 6, 2013 in Abs, Recipe
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Butterfinger Smoothie!

To make this:
1 cup of milk
1 tablespoon of butterscotch pudding mix
1 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 scoop of cookies n’ cream protein powder
As much ice as you’d like!
Blend it all together and you got a great tasting, and healthy, smoothie.

It’s around 350 calories and 10g of fat (which comes mostly from the peanut butter.) if you’re concerned about the amount of fat, simply reduce the amount of peanut butter.


1. Flat Bench 135 pounds (5×10)
Intra-sets do 20 push-ups

2. Smith Squat 135 pounds (5×10)
Intra-sets do 20 body weight lunges

3. Barbell Rows 135 pounds (5×10)
Intra-sets do 10 body rows

Let me know if you try this and how you did, I was dripping in sweat after this workout!


4 sets of 5 for everything

1. Tricep Extensions
Close-Grip bench
Weighted Dips

2. Seated Curls
Incline Curls
Stomach Curls

3. Tricep Push-downs
Reverse Grip Push-downs
Diamond push-ups

4. T-bar Rows
Concentration Curls
Reverse Curls

5. Front Delt Raise
Lateral Delt Raise
Reverse Delt Flies

Stop Hatin’ and Train!

Posted: July 5, 2013 in Motivation
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Just a little motivation. mr_tfort17 is my Instagram handle.